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Welcome to the Bizzar-O-Matic.

Choose a category to see our selection of magical goodies!

Bizzaromatic News Logo


Color Changing Sponge Ball

A new step in sponge ball magic. Visually change the color of a spongeball with just a wave of your hand.

Kung Food

A quick trick using an everyday item that looks like part skill, part magic.


Glue that you can transform, vanish or even eat. No mess, nothing to clean up.

Foiled Again

Give that jumbo coin a little extra kick by turning it into chocolate.

Color Changing Spongeball Logo

A new innovation in Sponge Ball magic! This utility prop allows you to perform visual color changes, transformations, and transpositions. Don't believe us? See it in action right over Here!

(Don't forget to pick up the Color Changing Sponge Ball DVD too!)


Click to order

(If ordering multiple CCSB's, don't forget to specify color and amounts above.)

Non-Toxic logo

New from Bizzaro. The Optical Illusionist, this utility prop will allow you to perform odd moments of magic wherever you are. Non-Toxic is 100% safe and there is NO MESS whatsoever!

Great for comedy performers, childrens entertainers, sideshow freaks, and even those of you who want to do some serious magic.

Transform items, restore ripped up objects, glue things to people or just eat it. Best of all, Non-Toxic fits in your pocket. (Now slimmer and more compact!) It's safe, it's fun, it's strange... it's Non-Toxic! Act now and you only pay $14.95 (+S/H)

Click Here to see a demo.

Foiled Again logo

In today's world, chocolate coins are all the rage and now YOU can have one of your very own!

Imagine producing a jumbo coin in the middle of your award winning coin routine, peeling the top of it down and showing it's yummy chocolaty goodness underneath. Of course, being a benevolent god, yer willing to share. You return the coin to it's beginning stages, dropping it on the table with a loud CLANG! It is found to be cold hard steel and fully examinable.

What you receive is a custom made gaff that works with most any 3-inch jumbo coin. (We recommend Half Dollar style) Easy to use, easy to handle. Anywhere else would charge you twice the price, but we have it here for you now for ONLY $14.95 (+S/H) Act now and you too can start foiling your audiences' perceptions today!

Click Here to see a demo.

How Many?

Kung Food logo

A modern take on a classic magical effect. For years Karate Coin has been performed with coins such as half dollars. Kung Food allows you to upgrade to an item recognized the world over.

The best part is that it's a utility prop that actually makes sense. These cookies can be found almost anywhere and, when performed at the right place and time, seems impossibly impromptu.

You are supplied with everything you need and it's ready to be performed right out of the package. With a little practice you too can become a Kung Food master.

Click Here to see some of the cool things you can do with it!


Color Changing Spongeball DVD

The full length companion DVD stuffed to the brim with routines and other goodies for the color changing sponge ball.


A triple threat card trick in one routine. Comes with custom printed gimmicks and two bonus effects.

A Marked Man

All new routines and effects with sharpie markers. Even includes tips on sleeving and a special double ended marker.

Shadow Thief

The shadow of a selected card changes with just a wave of your hand. This is not your normal everyday card trick.

Helter Shelter

The only collected resource on the classic razor blade illusion mystery. Perfect for anyone wanting to perform this effect for the first time.


If you own Bizzaro.'s Color Changing Spongeball, then this DVD is a must have! Shot in Las Vegas, CCSB: The DVD gives you 7 routines (created and performed by various performers from around the world) as well as tips & tricks that can be easily added to any of your current performances. Also included is a gimmick that turns any regular sharpie marker into a secret weapon when used in conjuction with a CCSB. Check out the Demo here!

Select One

Click to Order
What's Inside:
  • CCSB Bank Night - Finally a bank night where the magician doesn't look like a jerk at the end.
  • Sucker Ball - A sucker routine with a surprise ending using a CCSB.
  • Shponge - Visually swap, exchange or drain the color from a marker cap onto a sponge ball (Special gimmick included)
  • iSponge - Remove a spongeball from your phone, change it's color and put it back in. Simple and visual!
  • Benson Balls - A quick transposition with a kick at the end.
  • Hopping Sponge - An homage to the classic "Hopping Half" but with CCSBs.
  • Color Changing Crayons - Swap the color of a crayon and spongeball inside your mouth!
  • An awesome soundtrack by That 1 Guy!
  • Bonus ideas for members of Sponge Ball Breeding
  • Handling Tips, Basic Moves, Flourishes, and some surprises!

Marked Man logo
We see them everyday. They're at our offices, our homes, even our schools. We can't escape them!

I of course refer to Sharpie Markers. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. Perfect for any various magical effects your twisted mind can devise. Inside these notes you will find tricks and ideas used by Bizzaro. The Optical Illusionist on a regular basis to amaze and amuse the populace at large.

On the "A Marked Man" DVD you will find over a dozen ideas using normal Sharpie markers, brand new effects taught in depth, tips on sleeving, and a special Double Ended marker is included as well! Make your markers visually appear, disappear, shrink, split and jump from place to place. All for the low low price of $20 (+S/H)

To see a Teaser of what's on the DVD click Here.

Helter Shelter logo

NOTE: This item has been converted to a digital download. It is no longer a physical product.

The first video and book of it's kind anywhere!! An informative instructional set on the many ways to perform the classic Razor Blade Illusion Mystery.

From close-up to stage, store bought to do-it-yourself these resources will cover many of the bases no others have dared to explain. Even the best kind of stage blood to use or the psychology behind presenting the effect itself.

* Helter Shelter: The Movie

is the visual guide to the book of the same name. Filmed at the mysterious 13th Street Morgue, HS:TM is a visual and informative treat for fans of the unusual and only costs you a meager $20.00 of your hard earned cash.

(Click Here to watch the Trailer or Here to read a review.)

* Helter Shelter: The Book

is 36 pages complete with photo illustrations. This little gem of unique magical artistry can be yours for the low low price of Only $11.38!!

If you buy BOTH the PDF and the Video Download you can get a great discount so order now!!

PreTENd logo

PreTENd is a surprise revelation, card change, and printing effect all jammed into one routine. First, the back of a card box changes halfway into the spectator's card. Just when they think the magic is done, you then print that half and half design onto another card entirely. This can be done as an opening effect or in the middle of another routine. You also get everything you need to perform this routine. Custom stickers and a specially printed card gaff will be mailed to you after purchase. Also included are two BONUS effects, BAMF! and Punchline!

See the full routine for PreTENd Here.

Put this video download in your stable of magic for only 15$.

Shadow Thief logo

Shadow Thief (AKA: MOFO) is something a bit different than you are used to.

A selected card is placed into the deck with a razor blade and after some shaking, the cards are riffled and pips fall out of the deck but they are the wrong ones! The performer finds a card in the deck missing those pips and notices light shines through the holes left.

The magician then uses the shadows as his ally to cause the card to change with just a wave of their hand. Not only has the shadow changed but now so has the face of the card!

See the full routine for Shadow Thief Here.

Get this cutting edge video download for only 20$.

Bizzaro. Lectures

Dukes, Slices, Manuevers, and Subterfuge Lecture

Bizzaro.'s first lecture filmed live in Las Vegas, NV.

At The Table Lecture

A lecture on creativity and prop making with some never before published material thrown in for good measure.

Dukes, Slices, Maneuvers,& Subterfuge

NOTE: This item has been converted to a digital download. It is no longer a physical product.

In 2012 on April Fool's Day Bizzaro. The Optical Illusionist invaded Denny and Lee Magic Studio in Las Vegas to record the lecture that he has taken around the world teaching his own strange brew of magic and creativity.

On this video there is a little bit for everyone. Stage magic, card tricks, unique sleights and exercises that get your creative muscles flexing.

Here is a quick rundown of the effects you'll learn:
  • Sponge Balls From Mouth - A quick opener to set the tone.
  • Baby's Got All Backs - Finally, an all backs routine that makes sense.
  • One Step Ahead - An impossible location for a signed card.
  • Bizzaro Flip - A utility move that can cause cards to vanish, appear, change color, and more!
  • Fan Control - Control a playing card to the top or bottom of the deck from a fan without cutting or shuffling.
  • Cheap Bottle Magic - Don't want to spend a lot of money on making a bottle vanish or appear? This might just save you some cash.

All of this plus tips on sleeving and thoughts on creativity, character and other ways to get your brain thinking at right angles. Only 20$.

(This is the last time this lecture was performed live as to make way for the brand new lecture Bizzaro is currently traveling with.)

Misc. Products


Magically refill the cream inside a chocolate sandwich cookie... and beyond.

Bizzaro Flip

A utility move that allows you to visually vanish, appear, and change cards while springing the deck from hand to hand.

Write Thru

A pen thru bill that looks like an everyday writing utensil... but with PROOF!


A practical card stab with a unique premise. Perfect for strolling magic. Resets in 5 Seconds.

Portable Flamethrower

The only device on the market that lets you produce up to 3 foot flames from your hands!

Bill Breaker

Imagine turning a five dollar bill into five ones with the wave of your hand.